Low thyroid function is THE cause of a Candida Overgrowth
Candida is a huge topic in the nutrition and health industry and until we begin accepting it is a critical part of our microbiome, we will continue to lose the battle against the ever-elusive Candida.
“Its job is to aid with digestion and nutrient absorption—which it does when it's in balance with the good bacteria in your microbiome.” -Dr. Myers
The question we should be asking is, “what other factors, besides the overuse of antibiotics and diet high in refined processed GMO foods causes Candida to become out of balance and OVER GROW?”

“Low thyroid function causes low body temperatures, which allows candida to overgrow.”- Broda Barnes MD
Candida overgrowth is the result of being in a chronically stressed state. Chronic stress lowers the production of stomach acid (HCL), which is an essential part of digestion and a critical barrier to protecting the health and state of the immune system.
Over time the compromised state of the digestive system will push the body into an immune-compromised hypothyroid state.
The body will then be forced to overproduce cortisol as compensation. The excess cortisol will block thyroid hormone conversion in the liver.
The liver will become sluggish and unable to detoxify recirculating estrogen.
The recirculating estrogen will block thyroid hormone conversion.
On top of this, chronic stress (ACTH and cortisol) will affect copper metabolism. This will decrease iron recycling in the enterocytes of the gut, allow iron to create a perfect environment for candida to thrive.
“Pathogenic microorganisms, including bacteria, fungi, and protozoa, require iron for growth and proliferation.” Sarah F. Hale PharmD.
The biggest misconception with candida overgrowth is the idea that it is the problem and if eliminated the problems will go away. Unfortunately, you cannot just kill or treat the candida. You MUST work directly with the blocking factors (high stress aka. dysglycemia, blocked thyroid hormone conversion) interfering with proper thyroid hormone conversion.